Browsing by Author Ogunyemi, Babatunde Christopher.

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024English metamorphosis: solemnizing a comparative post-nationalistic and modernist global trajectory in grandeur fictional works from India, Ireland, and Sweden.Ogunyemi, Babatunde Christopher. 
2024Fate, uncertainty and mystery of the supernatural: ironical indictment as literary hermeneutics in Elechi Amadi's the great ponds and the concubine.Akingbe, Niyi.; Ogunyemi, Christopher Babatunde.  ; Nnawuihe Fidelis Echendu
2024The oral-paradigmatic semiotics and women imperative in South African folklore.Ogunyemi, Babatunde Christopher.  ; Kgopa, Mahlatse.; Motseki, Mpho.